You're going to want to save these dates for a spectacular lined-up MOVIE MONTH! These cold Friday nights will definitely be warmed up by some popcorn, good movies (including Meet the Mormons & The Saratov Approach), and good company! For anyone age 8 and up (we don't want noisy distractions running around so that we can indulge ourselves in the stories :)).

Just come and enjoy yourselves, get a babysitter and make it a date night!


Lions Head Hike 7 Dec - For everyone!

Hey guys and girls! 

We are hiking Lions Head this Saturday (7 Dec 2013) and you and all your friends are invited to join us! We will provide snacks and brekkie - you just have to bring some water and your cameras!

Hope to see you there! We will meet each other at 6am and have breakfast on top

Travel safe!

Your YSA Reps
Kari & Jason

PAARl BRAAI for all YSA - 26th Oct

BRAAI this coming SATURDAY!! Be there or miss out  
Someone asked me about car-pooling - I think it's a good idea! So Paarl is quite far, but you can make a road-trip out of it and share the petrol cost*

YSA Dinner Dance

So, its that time of the year again to get dressed up for this year's dinner dance! ♫

Date and Time: Saturday 31st August at 7:15 for 7:30pm
Venue: Mowbray Chapel
Dress code / Theme: The Great Gatsby
What to bring: A salad for your table and dessert to share

See you all next saturday!

Love your YSA Reps

Friday 28th June - YSA Activity Bellville 6:30pm

Friday Night YSA Activity (28th June)!!! Fun and competitive games, Belleville chapel, 6:30pm. See you there!

Sunday 28th July - YSA Fireside Bellville 6:30pm

As usual, we will be having a YSA Fireside at in the Bellville Chapel, will be a fireside to remember =)